Newborn Portraits With An Awake Baby!

“What if my baby won’t sleep!?” Sometimes I get this question from parents before their newborn session. It is a valid question since we all want to have a beautiful, happy, and sleepy baby to photograph for their very first portraits. Newborn babies generally sleep a lot and if they are happy they are sleeping! If they are awake, it’s usually because they need something - maybe they need some food, a snuggle, or a diaper change. BUT, if your baby isn’t alseep for their newborn session, I’m here to tell you THAT’S OKAY!

I am trained and have plenty of tricks up my sleeve to calm newborns and I have years of experience in doing so. There are several things I do to ensure a great session for each of my littlest clients. Everything I do to prepare for your session is with your baby’s comfort and safety in mind. Sometimes my space is a bit warm for a newborn session, but that is because your precious new baby doesn’t have the ability to regulate their body temperature yet and I need to make sure they are comfortable. Sometimes, I play white noise during my newborn sessions and that is because it is a familiar sound to little ones that can relax and calm them. There are other techniques I use in addition to these things as well, but these are just examples of how I prepare to ensure your best session.

If your little on is awake during their newborn session, please don’t worry. It can create some beautiful moments for your family! An awake baby can still be a happy and calm baby. For example, below I’ve share images from Boston’s newborn session. Don’t let those closed eye photos fool you! Boston was awake for his whole session and I’m sure he was just blinking for those photos! But, look at those amazing smiles he gave us!! And, look at that eye contact too! Do these moments not totally make you melt?!

Please don’t worry about a thing. I have everything taken care of. We will capture the most perfect moments for your family.

Book your session here.
