Creative Composites - Added Value for Your Newborn Session

Photography is more than simply taking a photo at Everlast Photography.  Each image in your newborn portrait gallery is painstakingly perfected.  Our standard of retouching ensures that each baby has all their features perfectly represented and their skin is nice and soft.

But, that’s not all we do here for our newborn clients!  As some clients know, we are very practiced at composite imagery.  We often use this technique to pull multiple photos into powerful editing software and combine those photos to create one perfect image.  This isn’t just for fun.  This is vital to ensure the safety of your baby.  Some poses require an extra hand in the image to offer your baby support and stability.  Some poses with younger aged siblings are simply done in a safer manner if the baby is posed separately.  In these circumstances, we always create a composite image.

Below is an example of an final image that was composited from two separate photos.

newborn safety edmonton photographer

But, wait!  Is this a creative composite?  That’s is what this article is about after all.  Well, no.  This isn’t a creative composite.  This service is a standard level of work and is offered to each and every client who books a newborn portrait session in the studio.

So what is a creative composite?

Given the magic of today’s editing software combined with our in-house skills, we are excited to offer images that step outside the boundary of a standard service.  We are thrilled to be able to offer images that push the boundaries of reality and perhaps have a faint hint of fantasy. 

We love to do creative things like bring the rainforest into your session.

edmonton newborn photographer

Even more so, we love to step outside the box and create true art images that you’ve never seen before!

edmonton newborn photographers

This is more than a photograph.  This is art.  And, this is what we’re all about here at Everlast Photography – creating art for you and your family to display proudly in your home.

We can’t wait to see what we come up with next!  Won’t you join us?  If you're in the Edmonton area, let’s combine our creative thinking and plan something exciting, unique, and timeless for your family!  Call 587.357.9738 and let’s talk.  Or, send your thoughts in an email to

We can’t wait to work with you!!