Tips To Ensure A Great Session With Your Toddler!

I know that preparing for a portrait session can sometimes be stressful - especially if you have a little one and are trying to get everything ready and packed up to get out the door in time! Believe me, I’ve been there! However, it really can be a great experience! And, I wanted to share some things that parents can do to ensure the best session possible for their little one.

First things first, let’s discuss scheduling your session. When I’m planning a baby or milestone session with my clients, I always ask about nap times. As a parent myself, I know how important nap times are for little ones. They can definitely affect mood, willingness to play and interact, and attention span. So, when planning your portrait session, please take nap time into consideration and plan your session for right after a good nap!

Secondly, we want to avoid any chance of a hangry baby! So, right after nap time, it’s best to make sure your child gets a nice filling and healthy meal or snack. Now, although things like blueberries and spaghetti might be a favourite, please try something that has less chance of leaving their mark on babe’s precious face. Swap those blueberries for some sliced apple or grapes and trade out that spaghetti for some pasta salad or a pita wrap. It can also be a good idea to bring some dry snacks with you to your session in case your baby needs a little more to eat later. See here for some healthy mess-free snack ideas for toddlers.

Next, I always recommend that clients change in the studio space if possible. I know that sometimes kids (and adults) can get maybe spill their drink or step/sit in some grass or dirt before they make it to their session. So, it can really help to bring your portrait wardrobe with you to your session so it remains clean and everyone is looking their best!

Also, some children love to see a familiar face during their portraits! And, no, I don’t mean Mom or Dad. If your child has a favourite doll, toy, or stuffed animal, please consider bringing them along to the session. Not only is it a comfort to your baby, but if it’s something that they are really attached to, you might want to have a photo with it to remember those days when they would go nowhere without! I know I have a few photos of my kids with their favourite toys and I cherish them!

Lastly, please remember that things don’t have to be perfect in order for them to be PERFECT! Even if you’re running behind, forgot a shoe, and spilled some milk - you can still have an amazing session with perfect pictures of your most precious little one! Please let us take our time and enjoy the little moments your child wants to share with us and I promise, those moments will be perfect and you will love them forever!
